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Our photo albums in year 2024

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🕚 24 August 2024

2024 08 (103+104-86+87) Atlantis Athens to Barcelona cruise

Two cruises back to back onboard Virgin Resilient Lady. 1st cruise went from Athens to Barcelona. Stops were Bodrum, Turkey - Mykonos, Greece - Valetta, Malta - Catania, Italy - Naples, Italy and Palma de majorca, Spain. 2nd cruise sailed out of Barcelona to London-Portsmouth ,UK. Stops were Malaga, Spain - Cadiz, Spain - Lisbon, Portugal - La Corona, Spain - San Sebastian, Spain and Le Verdon,France.

🕚 04 August 2024

2024 Miscellanous Pictures

You will find here ours Paris Pictures and some week-end or small trips photos.

🕚 24 July 2024

2024 07 (102-85) Atlantis Istanbul to Athens

This cruise was sailing from Istanbul, Turkey to Athens,Greece. The cruise stopped in Limassol, Cyprus - Alexandria, Egypt - Chania, Crete and Mykonos, Greece. It was our 85th Atlantis (97th if we include RSVP). The ship, Oceania Riviera is a very luxurious small ship.

🕚 29 June 2024

2024 06 Gaypride Paris

A very successful Gaypride, with floats and music this year.

🕚 21 May 2024

2024 05 Gaydays Orlando & Montreal, Quebec

Every year, Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World turn red for gaydays to celebrate pride month. As usual, Riptide (in Typhoon lagoon) is the best party. We'll be there! We stopped by Montreal, Quebec, and Madrid, Spain on our way.

🕚 27 January 2024

2024 01 (101-84) Oasis of the Seas Atlantis Cruise

One week in Orlando, Florida and a cruise. This Atlantis gay cruise sailed out of Miami and stoped in San Juan, Puerto Rico - Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, and Labadee, Haiti.
