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This was our first big trip around the world. We started in Japan, mid December, visiting Tokyo Disneyland for the first time. We flew to northern Australia, visiting Cairns and Green Island (Great Barrier Reef). We took a train from Cairns to Brisbane (Our longest train ride ever!). We drove to Sydney, and celebrate New Years Eve on December 31st 1999.On January 1st 2000, we took an early flight to Honolulu, and by crossing the date line, we went back in time, and landed in Honolulu on December 31st, 1999. We celebrate a second time NYE. The trip ended in the US (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Orlando)
🕚 on January 15th, 2000 at 18:19
ORY Airport - Trip Around the World
on December 18th, 1999 at 10:34 (view:277)
Disneyland Tokyo - Trip Around the World
on December 18th, 1999 at 15:56 (view:167)
Disneyland Tokyo - Trip Around the World
on December 18th, 1999 at 16:10 (view:163)
on December 19th, 1999 at 11:05 (view:165)
on December 19th, 1999 at 14:48 (view:161)
on December 20th, 1999 at 14:25 (view:170)
on December 21st, 1999 at 10:50 (view:159)
Green Island
on December 21st, 1999 at 10:50 (view:161)
Green Island
on December 21st, 1999 at 10:54 (view:160)
New Year Eve - Sydney
on December 21st, 1999 at 22:23 (view:173)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 07:39 (view:167)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 07:58 (view:165)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 08:34 (view:153)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 08:43 (view:159)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 08:44 (view:152)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 08:57 (view:147)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 09:00 (view:151)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 09:03 (view:149)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 09:44 (view:148)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 09:52 (view:147)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 10:24 (view:151)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 13:06 (view:146)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 13:11 (view:146)
Kuranda - Cairns
on December 22nd, 1999 at 13:24 (view:154)
on December 22nd, 1999 at 15:18 (view:151)
on December 22nd, 1999 at 15:23 (view:152)
on December 22nd, 1999 at 15:23 (view:148)
on December 22nd, 1999 at 17:57 (view:150)
on December 22nd, 1999 at 17:57 (view:150)
Cairns to Brisbane by train - Australia - Trip Around the World
on December 23rd, 1999 at 07:32 (view:158)
Cairns to Brisbane by train - Australia - Trip Around the World
on December 23rd, 1999 at 07:40 (view:151)
Cairns to Brisbane by train - Australia - Trip Around the World